In the field of optoelectronic package sealing, the glass to metal sealing process plays a vital role in ensuring robust protection and reliable performance. Hermetix, a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions, introduces their innovative glass to metal sealing process as a game-changer in the field of optoelectronic package sealing. This article delves into the significance of Hermetix’s glass to metal sealing process and the advantages we bring to optoelectronic package sealing.

The Glass to Metal Sealing Process: Enhancing Optoelectronic Package Sealing


Introduction to Glass to Metal Sealing Process in Optoelectronic Packaging


The MDFO6866-p54, developed by Hermetix, is an advanced opto electronic packaging solution that incorporates a high-performance glass to metal sealing process. This cutting-edge process ensures the integrity and reliability of optoelectronic packages by providing a secure and hermetic seal. Optoelectronic package sealing is crucial for safeguarding sensitive components from external factors, such as moisture, dust, and contaminants.


Advantages of Glass to Metal Sealing Process in Optoelectronic Package Sealing


Incorporating Kovar Material for Enhanced Thermal and Mechanical Properties


Hermetix’s glass to metal sealing process leverages the exceptional properties of Kovar, a material known for its superior thermal conductivity and mechanical stability. By incorporating Kovar in the sealing process, the MDFO6866-p54 offers several advantages for optoelectronic package sealing.


Enhanced Thermal Conductivity: Kovar’s excellent thermal conductivity allows for effective heat dissipation within the package. This feature is crucial for optoelectronic components that generate heat during operation, ensuring their optimal performance and preventing damage due to excessive heat buildup.


Mechanical Stability:Kovar’s exceptional mechanical properties offer essential stability and protection to optoelectronic components, safeguarding them against potential mechanical stresses, shocks, and vibrations encountered during handling, transportation, or operation. Through the glass to metal sealing process utilizing Kovar, Hermetix ensures the longevity and reliability of optoelectronic packages. This robust sealing technique establishes a secure and hermetic barrier, shielding the sensitive components from environmental factors and preserving their performance over time. With Kovar’s reliability and Hermetix’s expertise, optoelectronic packages can operate with enhanced durability and sustained functionality in various demanding applications.




Hermetix’s innovative glass to metal sealing process revolutionizes optoelectronic package sealing by providing robust protection and reliable performance. The incorporation of Kovar material enhances thermal conductivity and mechanical stability, ensuring optimal functionality and longevity of the packaged components. With Hermetix’s commitment to innovation and quality, the glass to metal sealing process offers the ideal solution for demanding optoelectronic applications. Trust Hermetix to deliver state-of-the-art glass to metal sealed packages that enable seamless integration and superior optoelectronic package sealing.